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Our expertise spans all aspects of government and public services. We bring deep strategic knowledge of government policy, along with the operational and technological know-how to aid public sector delivery. These capabilities are designed to drive forward government missions across the economy, security, and public services, while helping businesses plan with government and politics firmly in mind.


We help accelerate growth and prosperity by understanding the core development needs of polities and regions, building long-term sustainable strategies to address these. We train governments and authorities to meet future challenges head on.

  • Sectoral monitoring and key economic indicators.
  • Fiscal and financial planning around major policy challenges.
  • Multi-dimensional development strategies at all levels of the economy.
  • Logistical support for development programmes and capacity building.


We help firms respond to economic and development policy challenges whether local or global. We guide firms on the economic and development impacts of political events, and support them in devising business strategies that respond to or harness these.

  • Market research to economic impact of legislation.
  • Advice on firm-level effects of legislation and political events.
  • Strategic responses to economic challenges and opportunities posed by policy.
  • Training and support to build firm responsiveness to future economic challenges.


We help governments address major environmental challenges, supporting the transition to net zero, the adoption of new energy systems, and the greening of industry and the economy. We help governments strategise and manage the implementation of environmental policy.

  • Environmental and energy system monitoring worldwide.
  • Researching green technologies and best practices applicable to government.
  • Green industrial strategies with multi-sectoral inputs to accelerate sustainable growth.
  • Training civil servants on environmental management and greening strategies.


We help firms adapt to new environmental regulations, setting them on the path to a greener, more sustainable tomorrow. We assist the private sector in responding to global energy shocks and to climate change, supporting new business and investment strategies to help firms thrive.

  • Monitoring environmental and green economic policy locally and globally.
  • Advice and business strategy in response to environmental and geopolitical factors.
  • Logistical support in planning and implementing firm adaptation policies.
  • Supporting in-house understanding of environmental challenges and effective responses.


We help governments revamp their education policies, responding to a changing labour market and world economy. We support the development of new curricula, skills programmes and apprenticeship schemes, through planning and on-the-ground logistics.

  • Mapping and testing educational best practices around the world.
  • Advice and strategy on educational reform and skills development.
  • Planning and implementation of education and skills policies, working with funders and providers.
  • Building in-house expertise in the skilling agenda and the logistics of effective policy rollout.


We assist education providers in understanding the implications of new education and skills policies, and help them to plan and effect changes. We help devise curricula and training programmes, designed to adapt to new legislation and skills needs.

  • Monitoring government education and skills policy.
  • Advice on adaptation strategies for schools and universities in response to reform.
  • Implementation of curriculum changes, working with education providers on finance and logistics.
  • Capacity building for education providers and firms on new skilling requirements.


We help governments turbo-charge innovation at all levels of society, to remain competitive in a constantly changing world. Our experts help public partners stay on top of labour market developments, planning effective regulation and skills development.

  • Labour market mapping to understand developments in the future of work.
  • Advice and strategy on labour market and innovation policy reform.
  • Implementation of innovation programmes on the ground, planning finance and logistics.
  • Training civil servants on innovation policy best practices, and promoting intra-preneuership in the public sector.


We help firms adapt to labour market and innovation policy reforms, understanding challenges and opportunities. Our experts support firms in planning research and development strategies in alignment with wider policy developments.

  • Monitoring labour market and innovation policies.
  • Advice and strategy on adaptation to new innovation incentives or labour market laws.
  • Logistical support in planning and implementing firm adaptation policies.
  • Training employees in intra-preneurship and designing bespoke innovation programmes.


We help governments understand geopolitical events and how to strategise around them. Our experts help partners address war, economic crisis, and other systemic risks through diplomacy abroad and multi-dimensional policy responses at home.

  • Monitoring geopolitical events and global responses to these.
  • Data and analytical support for diplomats on front line of a geopolitical event.
  • Advice and strategy on response to geopolitical events or on wider foreign policy.
  • Training diplomats and civil servants on geopolitical considerations and risks.


We help firms to understand how geopolitical events affect their business strategies. Our experts advise on risks and opportunities, helping partners achieve sustainable growth and thrive whatever the circumstances.

  • Monitoring geopolitical events and their implications for firms and civil society.
  • Advice and strategy on adaptation to geopolitical risks and opportunities on path to achieving business aims.
  • Support on integrating geopolitical considerations into financial and investment strategies.
  • Capacity building for employees on assessing and planning around geopolitical risks.


We help governments understand technological developments and how to respond to and harness these in policy terms. Our experts assist partners in artificial intelligence regulation and government technology strategy.

  • End-to-end support for the development of tech policy strategy.
  • Delivering AI and tech policy by coordinating across levels of government.
  • Understanding technological developments and modelling their impact for the public sector.
  • Skilling civil servants on artificial intelligence and the implications of technological developments.


We help firms understand government trends in technology and artificial intelligence policy. Our experts help international businesses harness knowledge to drive their strategies while amplifying impact.

  • Helping companies align strategies with government policy on artificial intelligence and technology.
  • Forecasting implications of government policy on artificial intelligence for international firms.
  • Building in-house expertise in tech policy.

Need to find out more?

If you have a project in mind or wish to learn more about our services, please write to us.
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